Verses on Lord I have cried Melody of the Brethren of Kovilj monastery, after Manuil Protopsaltis
Idiomelon on Lord I have cried, from the Feast of the Entry of Our Lord into the Temple Melody of the Brethren of Kovilj monastery, after Petros Lambadarios
Apolytikion (Dismissal Hymn) of Saint Sava , the Enlightener and First Archibishop of Serbia Melody of the Brethren of Kovilj monastery
Manuil Guta, the Protopsaltis of Thessalonica
Idiomelon to Saint Sava , the Enlightener and First Archibishop of Serbia Melody of the Brethren of Kovilj monastery |
Final verses of Psalm 103 Hourmouzios Archimandrite Pajsije (Paisios) of Chilandar Monastery (the Holy Mountain)
Iakovos Protopsaltis (1740-1800) Archimandrite Pajsije of Chilandar Monastery
Iakovos Protopsaltis (1740-1800) Archimandrite Pajsije of Chilandar Monastery
Archimandrite Pajsije of Chilandar Monastery
Archimandrite Pajsije of Chilandar Monastery
Idiomelon from the Praises of the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple Archimandrite Pajsije of Chilandar Monastery
Archimandrite Pajsije of Chilandar Monastery
Disclaimer: The audio material on this page is presented for educational purposes only. |