Potato and cucumber salad


1 large cucumber, peeled

4 small or 3 large potatoes

1 spoonful (or more) mustard





fresh parsley


Dice the cucumber, sprinkle with salt and set aside for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes in their skins. When completely cooked, peel and slice thinly as soon as they can be handled and add to the cucumbers (do not discard liquid which cucumbers let out). Preferably the potatoes should still be hot, so as to absorb the oil. Add oil and vinegar. Stir. Add mustard and salt to taste, pepper and freshly chopped parsley.



Potato salad


5 potatoes

1 large onion, scut into paper-thin slices






Sprinkle onions generously with salt and mix thoroughly. Boil the potatoes in their skins. When cooked, peel while still hot and slice thinly. Add oil and vinegar. Add pepper and more salt, if necessary.


Cucumber salad


2 large cucumbers, peeled and cut into paper-thin slices

1 clove garlic

1 spoon sesame oil

wine or apple vinegar

to taste

1 spoonful sesame seeds, slightly toasted or fried on Teflon with a drop of oil

salt to taste

1 spoonful soy sauce


Place sliced cucumbers in a salad dish. Pour the rest of the ingredients over them and toss. Serve chilled.



French salad


500 gr potatoes

1 cup peas

2 small or 1 large carrot

1 celery root

4 pickled cucumbers

2 sour apples

2 spoonfuls chopped parsley


a little sugar

mustard to taste

2 spoonfuls ketchup (see recipe)

no-egg mayonnaise to taste (see recipe)

salt, pepper


Dice carrot and celery root and boil together with peas in slated water. Do not overcook. Drain and place in serving dish. Add diced pickles, apples and boiled potatoes, then oil, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, vinegar and ketchup. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly.


Russian salad


1 can tuna



boiled corn kernels

homemade ajvar (see recipe)


1 cup chopped parsley



Al l quantities are according to taste. Boil vegetables, but do not overcook. Mash tuna and mix everything well. Add parsley last and mix.



Bean salad


300 gr red kidney beans

1 onion, cut into paper thin slices

pepper, oil, vinegar, salt

parsley or oregano


Cook beans and while still hot, add oil. Add other ingredients, mixing well. Serve hot or cold.



Mexican salad


600 gr red or white kidney beans

3 onions

4 sweet green peppers

1 cup corn

oil and vinegar

salt, pepper



Cook and drain beans, add oil while still hot. Dice onions, season and squeeze with hands. Add the beans to the onions, diced green peppers, corn, vinegar to taste and  adjust seasoning.



No-egg mayonnaise


1 glass water

2,5 spoonfuls corn starch

˝ cup oil

1 teaspoon vinegar

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon mustard

juice of 1 lemon

1 teaspoon salt

˝ cup water


Dissolve corn starch in a little cold water. Heat the rest of the water and add the dissolved corn starch stirring continuously until very thick. Set aside to cool in a dish, then, whisking continuously gradually add ice cold water, sugar, vinegar, salt and mustard. Add lemon and oil last.

Note: the ice cold water allows the mayonnaise to set quickly.



Home-made ketchup


5,5 kg ripe tomatoes

3 onions

2 green peppers

1 clove garlic

1 cup brown sugar

1,5 cup vinegar

1,5 spoons salt

1 spoon paprika

1 spoon mustard

1 stick cinnamon

1 teaspoon peppercorns

1 spoonful cloves

2 spoons dill


Wash, peel and dice tomatoes and green peppers, chop garlic and onions. Cover with water and cook until soft, drain and puree in blender, then cook again adding the rest of the ingredients. The peppercorns, cinnamon and cloves should be put into a muslin bag and cooked, then taken out. Simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. When thickened, place in jars and refrigerate.



Sauce vinaigrette (best with fresh or boiled vegetable salads)


175 gr oil

4 spoons apple vinegar

1 onion

1 clove garlic

1 teaspoon fresh mint, chopped

1 teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon chopped parsley

salt, pepper


Combine all ingredients in a jar and shake thoroughly, until well blended and smooth. Apple vinegar can be replaced with 4 spoons lemon juice.



White wine sauce


3 spoons margarine

3 spoons flour

1 glass white wine

1 teaspoon rosemary

white pepper, salt


Sautee flour on the margarine, until it just starts changing color. Add wine, salt, pepper and ground rosemary leaves. Simmer and stir until thickened. excellent with fried, boiled or baked fish.



Basic white sauce


3 spoons margarine

3 spoons flour

1,5 cup vegetable stock, or soy milk

lemon juice

pepper, salt


Melt margarine, add flour and sauté, stirring continuously. Add salt, pepper and 1,5 cup vegetable stock or soy milk. Simmer for about 5 minutes, add 1 teaspoon margarine and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring continuously. Makes about 1,5 cup white sauce. A teaspoon of mustard can be added if desired.