Nemanjich dinasty - coat of arms






Agios o Theos (Holy God, Trisagion, The Thrice - Holy Hymn) (second tone)

Issaiah the Serb (15th century)

Dragoslav - Pavle Aksentijevic, tenor


Litany of Fervent Supplication (The Augmented Litany) 

Dragoslav - Pavle Aksentijevic, tenor


The Cherubic Hymn (second tone)

Nicholas the Serb

Dragoslav - Pavle Aksentijevic, tenor


Kratima Terirem (first tone)

Joachim Charsianitis (14th century)

Dragoslav - Pavle Aksentijevic, tenor


Alleluia  (first tone)

From the Srbljak - a collection of  medieval Serbian religious poetry dedicated to Serbian Saints

Issaiah the Serb (15th century)

Dragoslav-Pavle Aksentijevic


Let all the west rejoice (first tone)

From the Srbljak - a collection of  medieval Serbian religious poetry dedicated to Serbian Saints

Gregory Camblak (1364-1419/20)

Dragoslav-Pavle Aksentijevic


Lord, I have cried unto Thee

Jakov Protopsalt (1740-1800)

Archimandrite Paisius of Chilandar Monastery (the Holy Mountain)


Let my prayer arise

Jakov Protopsalt (1740-1800)

Archimandrite Paisius of Chilandar Monastery (the Holy Mountain)


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