Liturgy - The Divine service of St. John Chrysostom part 1 - part 2

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS (Radio Television of Serbia) choir, bass: Fr. Vlado Mikic, conductor: Mladen Jagust


 Liturgy - The Divine service of St. John Chrysostom part 1 - part 2 - part 3

Josif Marinkovic (1851-1931)

RTS choir, bass: Fr. Vlado Mikic, conductor: Bojan Sudjic


 Liturgy - The Divine service of St. John Chrysostom part 1 - part 2

Kornelije Stankovic (1831-1865)

RTS choir, bass: Fr. Vlado Mikic, conductor: Bojan Sudjic


 Orthodox Requiem

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, bass: Fr. Vlado Mikic, conductor: Mladen Jagust


 Orthodox Requiem

Stevan Hristic (1885-1958)

RTS choir,  conductor: Mladen Jagust


  Through the prayers of the Mother of God, Save us, O Son of God; Thy Nativity (Nativity Troparion) 

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


 The Pre-eternal was Born

Josif Marinkovic (1851-1931)

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


 I Praise You, O Lord!

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


 Christ is risen!

Kornelije Stankovic (1831-1865)

St. Mark's church (Belgrade) choir, conductor: Predrag Miodrag


 Thy Resurrection

Kornelije Stankovic (1831-1865)

St. Mark's church (Belgrade) choir, conductor: Predrag Miodrag


Glory to God in the highest

Vojislav Ilic

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


Today the Virgin (Nativity Kontakion)

Vojislav Ilic

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


Prayer of Repentance (Ps. 6)

Vladimir Milosavljevic (1951)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


It is truly meet

Kornelije Stankovic (1831-1865)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


O Heavenly King

Josif Marinkovic (1851-1931)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


Praise the Lord

Stanislav Binicki (1872-1942)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


It is not possible that men should see God

Miloje Milojevic (1890-1949)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


We Hymn Thee

Kosta Manojlovic (1890-1949)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


Rejoice, O Virtue of the Hierarchs

Svetolik Pascan - Kojanov (1892-1971)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


Lord's prayer

Aleksandar Gavanski 

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


We venerate Thy Cross

Georgije Maksimovic (1929)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


The Cherubic Hymn

Vladimir Milosavljevic (1951)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


Prayer of David (Ps. 86)

Vladimir Milosavljevic (1951)

choir of the First Belgrade Singers' Society, conductor: Vladimir Milosavljevic


Troparion for Great Compline

St. Michael the Archangel Serbian Orthodox Church  Choir (Toronto), solo: Peter Drobac, conductor: Dr  Milutin Drobac; 

performed at the Serbian Community Centre during the 44th annual concert of St. Sava Orthodox Church Choir (Toronto)


Troparion to St. Sava

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

Singers' Society "Venerable Raphael of Banat" (Zrenjanin - Serbia), conductor: Nino Rajacic

from a guest performance (Krakow - Poland), April 1998. 


Akathist Hymn

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vladimir Kranjcevic


Open unto me the gates of repentance

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vladimir Kranjcevic


Let my prayer arise

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vladimir Kranjcevic


Thou Who deckest Thyself with light

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vladimir Kranjcevic



Divna Ljubojevic and "Melodi" Choir


In the flesh Thou didst fall asleep

Divna Ljubojevic and "Melodi" Choir


Thy Resurection O Christ our Saviour -  You are most blessed, O Virgin Theotokos

Divna Ljubojevic and "Melodi" Choir


Great Doxology

Divna Ljubojevic and "Melodi" Choir


Today salvation has come to the world -  Let the heavens rejoice

Divna Ljubojevic and "Melodi" Choir


 Hymn to St. Sava

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


Thy Mystical Supper

Josif Marinkovic (1851-1931)

The Belgrade Nonet


We Hymn Thee

Vladimir Milosavljevic (1951)

The Belgrade Nonet


Most Holy Trinity

choir of the Sisterhood of  Chelije Monastery (Valjevo - Serbia)


 Lord's prayer

Josif Marinkovic (1851-1931)

Belgrade Madrigal Choir, conductor: Dusan Miladinovic


The First Stasis

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vladimir Kranjcevic


The Second Stasis

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vladimir Kranjcevic


 The Third Stasis

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

Belgrade Madrigal Choir, conductor: Dusan Miladinovic


 Praise the name of the Lord

Marko Tajcevic (1900-1984)

Belgrade Madrigal Choir, conductor: Dusan Miladinovic


 Hristos anesti! (Gr. Christ is risen!)

N. Baracki

St. Mark's church (Belgrade) choir, solo: Predrag Miodrag


 Though Thou didst descend into the grave

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

St. Mark's church (Belgrade) choir, solo: Predrag Miodrag


 Jesus, having risen from the grave

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

St. Mark's church (Belgrade) choir, solo: Predrag Miodrag


 Arise, O God

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vladimir Kranjcevic


 Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God (troparion for Pentecost)

Divna Ljubojevic

"Melodi" choir, conductor: Divna Ljubojevic


Bless the Lord, O my soul

Vojislav Ilic

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


Bethlehem, O holy town

Vojislav Ilic

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


Clap your hands all ye nations

Vojislav Ilic

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


Dance this day, O Sion

Vojislav Ilic

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


Today the salvation

Svetislav D. Bozic (1954)

"Abrasevic" choir, conductor: Milovan Pancic


O Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant

Kosta Manojlovic (1890-1949)

Singers' Society "Rukovet", conductor: Dragan Mladjenovic


The Magnification to St. Sava

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

Singers' Society "Rukovet", conductor: Dragan Mladjenovic


O Holy Martyrs

Mita Topalovic

Singers' Society "Rukovet", conductor: Dragan Mladjenovic


All ye who have been baptized into Christ

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

Singers' Society "Rukovet", conductor: Dragan Mladjenovic


Tell me, O Lord

Kornelije Stankovic (1831-1865)

Singers' Society "Rukovet", conductor: Dragan Mladjenovic


Chants for Great Lent

Dragan Mladjenovic

"Melodi" choir, conductor: Divna Ljubojevic






O Yule Log (Christmas)

Vojislav Ilic

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


The old mother rose early, O Carolers (Christmas)

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


Who drinks wine to the Glory of God (Slava)

Stevan S. Mokranjac (1856-1914)

RTS choir, conductor: Vojislav Ilic


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