What is the most valuable thing on earth?

Time, because everything is acquired in time and all of man's business is conducted by time. You could have food, clothing, fabulous homes, wisdom - have all you want, but if you do not have time, it means - you have nothing.

What is the worst thing on earth for man?

The loss of time. Because by wasting time, we cannot acquire  anything;  we  cannot  have  anything;  by  losing time, we lose everything. We even lose ourselves.

Another question: What do people value the least? And what is the most disorganized and the most squandered thing on earth?

Time. A large segment of the people live as if by guesswork, according to the accepted custom, day by day, year by year, not at all concerned about what they did with their  days  and  years  or  how  they  lived  their  lives. Sometimes we mourn over the loss of some existing trifles, but we have no regrets at all, nor are we sorry, when we foolishly  lose  not just  some  petty  cash,  but  the  most precious minutes of our time.

This is why the Holy Apostle Paul cautions us against the useless waste of time and offers lawful provisions that we wisely regulate each minute of our life: "See then," says he, "that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as the wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil" (Eph. 5:15-16). When the Apostle says.  "See then, redeem the time",  with these words he wants us to understand that by time true happiness is also acquired, just as by money all things necessary for this physical life are purchased, and that consequently, the proper use of time is very similar to the use of money in good hands. A wise man will not lose a single penny  foolishly;  he  will  count exactly the entire amount which he has and will attach a special purpose for each cent. We must do exactly the same thing; and then we shall arrange our time; we must faithfully reckon with it, every hour and every minute must be determined for this or that purpose; every day must be redeemed with good deeds  for  our  benefit  and  for  the  benefit  of  our neighbours. The Lord did not set aside one minute of our lives for idleness, harmful deeds, or simply to do nothing at all.


Bishop Jeremiah the Hermit