When you utter these words, O Christian, do you not admit that your heavenly Father is, at the same time, the Father of your servant and of your ailing or dying neighbor? For it has been commanded to you by the Son of God, the supreme Revealer of truth about God and men, to say Our Father and not My Father. If you admit that your Father is also the Father of your servant and of your ailing or dying neighbor, is it not logical, then, that you admit to them being your brothers, and to you being theirs?
Two thoughts and two feelings. The first thought: the fatherhood of God; the second thought: the brotherhood of the sons of God. The first feeling: the filial love towards the Father; the second feeling: the brotherly love towards one's neighbours. Out of these two great and basic thoughts and feelings come forth deeds and relationships pleasing both to the Father and to the brothers. If you, O Christian, remember at all times these two basic and great thoughts, and if you keep vigil over your heart so that those two great and basic feelings do not die, then all your deeds will be good and pure, as pure and as good as the water that surges forth from a good and pure spring and your whole life will be like a song that blends in harmony with the song of your brethren. When this comes to pass, human society will be structured in the best and most ideal way imaginable.
If you read the Lord's prayer, but do not think of God as Father, and if you treat your neighbor as a stranger, your deeds will not be good, you will walk in Cain's footsteps, your life will be like unclean water from an unclean spring, the end of your days will be like Judas'. If you call yourself a Christian, but do not read Lord's prayer at all, you are like a wayfarer lost at sea, without a compass and polar star, traveling in the midst of a gale, in darkness and desperation, not knowing where from and where to you are traveling.