Prayer For Children O All-plenteous Lord Jesus Christ, who wast once even Thyself a child
and who used to love and bless children, have mercy upon the children of our
time and save them--so that unbaptized children may be baptized, and so that
baptized children may be strengthened in their faith in Thee, who art Truth
eternal, and in their love for Thee, who art Love ineffable. Save, O Lord, those children whom unbelieving parents corrupt with
atheism and turn away from Thee, their only Savior and salvation. Save, O All-meek Lord, also those children whom evil teachers, without
God or soul, alienate form Thee, their Creator, and turn into packs of dogs. Save, O Lord, also those children whose pure soul is defiled by all the
immorality in the streets, in the theaters, and on television--save them from
the impurity of the streets and theaters, and from every other impurity. Save, O All-merciful Lord, also those children who are orphans and have
fallen into the hands of cruel guardians, or bad stepfathers or stepmothers, or
those who are supposed to rear them but do not--save them from hearing
blasphemous words and from seeing malicious deeds. Save, O Son of God, the sons of the sons of men, whom the world tugs
here and there into many physical trainings and occupations, without giving them
any training in Thy holy law, training in proper thoughts, in truth and mercy,
and in all deeds of goodness and righteousness. Help the children of this age, O Almighty One, so they may grow up and
mature to Divine sonship and heavenly citizenship, for their eternal salvation
and for Thy glory and praise. Amen. Bishop
Nikolaj Velimirovic |