

Chilandar Monastery

The Holy Mountain of Athos






Processioanal icon of the Theotokos with Three Hands, (Tricheroussa), the most highly venerated icon at Chilandar



Christ the Saviour, icon from the mid- 13th century




The Theotokos "Hodeghetria", mosaic icon from the late 12th century of the patroness of Chilandar monastery.



The Theotokos "Hodeghetria", a mid 13th century icon



The Theotokos "Eleoussa", formerly one of the main icons on the iconostasis of King Milutin's church.



The Theotokos with Christ, 14th century



Presentation of the Theotokos, the icon of Chilandar's feast-day.



St. Panteleimon, icon from the last decade of the 13th century.



Evangelist Luke (c.1360)



Evangelist Mark (c.1360)



St. Michael the Archangel (c.1360)



St. John the Baptist (c.1360)



The Imperial doors of the Chapel of St. Triphon, painted by the Chilandar artist George (Georgije) Mitrofanovich, from 1620.