Chilandar Monastery The Holy Mountain of Athos
View of Chilandar from the south-west
The main church, founded by King Milutin, from the northern side. The western part was raised by Prince Lazar. To the right, part of Chilandar's refectory from the early 14th century. In the background, a pyrgos from the 18th century and the pyrgos of St. George.
The main church, view from St. Sava's pyrgos
The main church, view from the north-west
The main church, interior
Treasury and archive
Residential building
Entrance to the dining room
Console on the west facade of the main church, carved in the 13th century
Console on the south facade of the main church, from the 13th century.
Part of the eastern side of Chilandar courtyard with the church of the Holy Archangels, St. Sava's pyrgos, residential building and new library.
The main church, part of the southern facade. |